About Us

At ACT Deafness Resource Centre (DRC) we offer information, referrals, resources and advocacy to the deaf and hearing-impaired communities in the ACT and surrounding regions of NSW.

A drop-in opportunity exists for service users to access immediate assistance for their hearing issues. This service provides our clients with a one on one consultation to discuss their hearing loss. This enables us to provide our clients with information and advice tailored to their specific hearing loss requirements, empowering them to manage their hearing loss as effectively as possible.

We also provide Workplace Assessments, Home Safety Assessments and deliver Hearing Loss/Deaf Awareness Training to private and government organisations. In addition, we provide presentations designed to educate and inform people about Hearing Loss and Deafness.

Complementing our services is the large range of Assistive Technology we have available for sale. From products for Home Safety – including Smoke Alarms and doorbells – to personal microphone systems to help you hear better in social situations – we have it all. Our online store enables us to extend our reach to assist people further afield from the ACT.

We also provide services into aged care facilities whereby we manage their hearing devices, keeping them clean and in good working order. This is aimed specifically at nursing homes where the residents may not have the ability to manage their devices themselves.

The DRC is a registered NDIS Provider (Provider # 4-3LLK-379) and a tax concession charity (TCC) with ATO deductible gift recipient (DGR) status: all gifts 100% deductible.

Health promotion charity

Yes: Item 1, sub-division 1.1.6

Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) exemption; GST Concession; Income Tax exemption

ACT Deafness Resource Centre Incorporated
ABN 73 365 738 308

Not-for-profit incorporated association A1291

Grant Cameron Community Centre
Level 1B, 27 Mulley Street
Holder ACT 2611

Listening and Communication Technology

To give you an opportunity to talk over personal hearing communication issues and provide a referral service to help access mainstream services.


Come to discuss what to think about when purchasing a hearing aid and learn how to use your new hearing aid on the journey back to hearing.

Specialist Info

On hearing related issues and services, such as choice of hearing aid or cochlear implant, or on conditions of the ear, such as Tinnitus and Meniere’s Disease.


We can provide you with a personal assessment and in many instances can offer a free loan of assistive listening devices for trial in the workplace or home.

For the Individual

Written Workplace Hearing Assessment Reports for staff who are hearing impaired.

In the Workplace

Presentations and Hearing Awareness Training for staff to gain an understanding of hearing loss and learn how to best work with a Deaf/Hearing Impaired colleague.

Hearing Loops

Hire and sales – a free no obligation assessment for your home, workplace or church. Come along and listen to the TV connected to our hearing loop via your hearing aid ‘T’ switch (Telecoil).

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