We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
As we approach the end of the year the Deafness Resource Centre would like to announce that sadly, after more than 40 years serving the Community, we will be permanently closing the centre on the 31st of January 2025.
We will stop taking orders from the 1st of December 2024 to 31 January 2025.
We are no longer taking bookings for appointments.
We want to take this opportunity to thank every team member, partner, and customer who has been part of our story.

ACT Deafness Resource CENTRE
The ACT Deafness Resource Centre (the DRC), is a community organisation funded by the Commonwealth, to provide information, linkages and capacity building for the hearing impaired, deaf and those with chronic ear disorders.
We offer support to the broader ACT community and the surrounding regions of NSW that have come to rely on the ACT for services.
We aim to help manage the effects of hearing loss on everyday life by providing information, advice and guidance.We do this through our Drop-in and advocacy services to help break down barriers to communication.
A key objective is to ensure everyone receives equal access to services and opportunities, which will enable deaf and hearing impaired people to live independently within the community.
Book your Appointment
Book your appointment with us Today!
Book your Appointment today
The ACT Deafness Resource Centre offices in Holder, are open Monday to Thursday from 9am to 5pm.
We are able to assist with any visitors seeking to find out about our resources, get some advice, have a look at the Assistive Listening Devices, and gather information on various services and products that are available.
Donations and Bequests Are Welcome
from those who wish to help our work
Offering reliable help
to meet your individual needs